
Darul Ulum Institute Tahfeedhul Qur’an -

Masjid Attaqwa has a Qur’an memorization class for boys and girls. The boys’ class which began as an after-school program and the girls’ which started off as at-home session have now become a full-time school for homeschooled students through the weekdays. By the grace of Allah, there have been … boys and … girls who have completed their Hifdh.

Our goal and curriculum for our Tahfeedhul Qur’an expands beyond the memorization of the Qur’an including the study of Islamic Studies and the Arabic language. We aim to provide a study in which students are not only able to memorize the Words of Allah but be able to understand and implement its teachings.

General Information

– Teachers:
  1. Shaykh Mohammad Islam: Islamic Studies
  2. Ustadh Abdullah Khan: Qur’an & Arabic
– Week: Monday – Thursday
– Timing: 8:30 AM – Salatul Dhuhr (time dependent on DST)

– Curriculum:
  1. Memorization of the Qur’an
  2. Islamic Studies: Fiqh, Aqeedah, Seerah & History, etc.
  3. Arabic Language
– Location:
    Masjid Attaqwa
    2675 Woodwin Rd.
    Doraville, GA. 30360
– Teachers:
  1. Ustadha Maryam Islam: Qur’an
  2. Ustadha Siddiqa Islam: Islamic Studies
  3. Ustadha Labibah Islam: Islamic Studies
– Week: Monday – Thursday
– Timing: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

– Curriculum:
  1. Memorization of the Qur’an
  2. Islamic Studies: Fiqh, Aqeedah, Seerah & History, etc.
– Location:
    Via Zoom (online) – temporarily

Darul Ulum Institute; Weekend School –

Masjid Attaqwa began the Weekend school in the first week of the beginning of the Masjid. And by the grace of Allah, we have been able to continue until present. Our classes cater to the needs for imparting Islamic education to the Muslim children and youth, teaching the recitation of the Quran and the fundamentals of their religion. We aim to create a generation of Muslims who have a stronghold grasp of their identity as Muslims and are diligent, pious members of the society who will impact the community as a whole; in positivity while striving for the success in the dunyaa and aakhira.

General Information

Boys & Girls:
– Teachers:
  1. Ustadh Abdullah Khan: (Boys teacher)
  2. Ustadha Labibah Islam: (Girls teacher)
  3. Asst. Hafidha Khadija Rafi
  4. Afrida Sadek
  5. Tansin Jannat
– Timing: Weekend; 11 AM – 1 PM (Dhuhr Salah – time dependent on DST)

– Curriculum:
  1. Quranic Studies: Qaa’idah & Qur’an reading/memorization
  2. Islamic Studie
– Tution Fees:
    $150 for 1st child
    $125 for 2nd child
    $100 for 3rd child
– School year duration:
    Quarterly sessions from the beginning of the year
    1st quarter – 4th quarter
– Location:
    Masjid Attaqwa
    2675 Woodwin Rd.
    Doraville, GA. 30360

Darul Ulum Institute; Homeschool –

The homeschool program for boys and girls have been suspended until further notice.